The Baby-Sitters Club: Where are they now?

The release of The Baby-Sitters Club prequel got me to thinking: what are the girls doing now?

They’d be in their early 30s, I believe. But beyond that, it’s all up to our imagination.

Lots of women my age grew up reading — and, in my case, writing — because of the BSC. And I bet they would mob bookstores if author Ann M. Martin came out with a BSC reunion story, a Where Are They Now book. But Martin says she’s not interested in writing one; none of the stories I’ve read about Where Are They Now potential really explain why. (Ann, if you’re reading this, please chime in! The blogosphere is awesome like that.) Maybe she doesn’t want her characters to grow up. Maybe she’s worried a reunion book would disappoint. Or maybe she doesn’t want to write an adult book — because that’s how I envision the reunion: an adult read, a grown-up version of the series’ young-adult voice.

Hm. If that’s the case — if Martin simply doesn’t want to write the book herself — maybe she’d be cool with someone else writing it. Someone like me.

That would be fabulous, wouldn’t it? A long-time fan writes the reunion book? That would go hand-in-hand with other ways fans have kept the BSC dream alive, including blogs like Claudia’s Room, What Claudia Wore, and The Baby-Sitters Club Revisited.

Who was your favorite BSC character, and where would she be today?

I’m gonna say Claudia (who, admittedly, is the reason I want to name one of my daughters Claudia. Yes, I want to name my child after a hip fictional character) now designs and makes jewelry for a living. She’s not married (yet) and has no kids, unlike the other BSC members… Wait a minute. I’m giving away my reunion plot!

Your turn.

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6 Responses

  1. A reunion book would be a lot of fun. When I invision this group today, I think about the movie “Now and Then”. It just has that vibe of friendship to me.

    Sweet Valley is having an adult book series come out, and really, I am very curious about it. I wrote about my thoughts about it and the upcoming Diablo Cody movie here:

    In the blog post, I totally gave away what I thought the characters should be like in the future. I know it won’t happen, but hey! It is was fun writing it.

    Now I wonder if I should do the same for the BSC! And maybe even Babysitter’s Little Sister series with Kristy’s stepsister, Karen. I read a lot of those too.

    Favorite Character: Unsure, really. I tried to think of my favorite books, and they were about the various characters (mostly the original five). The first nine books, and then “Mary Anne + Too Many Babies”, “The Mystery at Claudia’s House”, “New York, New York!”, and “Starring the Babysitter Club”.

    I think the reason why I liked these so much is I owned them and I read the rest of them from the library. I still have them boxed away and am now tempted to break them out tonight.

    BSC Forever!


  2. Whoops! I could do some predicting, but will do the original characters to keep it short and I could be waayyy off (haha!)!

    Kristy- Married with five kids and the coach for her kids various sport teams. Her husband is a fireman.

    Mary Anne- Married with two kids and lives next door to Kristy. She has an at home daycare. And, yep, she is a Derby Girl.

    Claudia- Has her very own art studio/coffee shop. No kids, and just got out of a serious relationship.

    Dawn- Lives in CA works for an enviromental non-profit group. She is single mom with a young son.

    Stacy- Married Logan after running into him in NYC. They run a business that they are trying to keep off the ground and are too busy for kids.

  3. Great question! My favorites were definitely Kristy and Claudia. I wanted to be like creative, rebellious Claudia, but I was probably more like bossy, tomboyish Kristy. I’d like to think Kristy is living in a big city and working as a lawyer or journalist. And of course, she plays sports in a co-ed intramural league.

    Remember the movie? Wow, it came out 15 years ago…

  4. I love this post, Alexis. I loved BSC. My favorite book was Logan Likes Mary Ann, although, I can’t remember why. I also remember wanting to be Dawn. I’m going to have to read some of them again to remember what it was that I loved so much!

  5. i love how much you guys remember! i remember loving the books but i have forgotten a lot of the characters at this point 🙂 I also enjoyed that moving “Now and Then” and think you could easily do a revisit of the girls as adults that would be fun to read!

  6. Eeek! I LOVED Babysitter’s Club. Hmmm, I always admired Claudia, Stacy, Dawn and Kristy for their strong personalities, but I felt closest to MaryAnn because she made me think of myself (although, I was actually probably more of a Kristy or Claudia).

    That would be SO awesome if there was a reunion story…

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