Travel Memoir

Are you writing a travel memoir? Join our Ning group, Travel Memoir Writers, where we share ideas and learn from one another.

If you click on the link, you’ll notice I have to approve you before you can join. Why? Because we want to feel comfortable being honest about our projects, asking each other for advice, discussing details like which literary agents we’re submitting to — without the whole Web watching. The group is open to anyone who wants to join, it’s just not accessible to non-members.

To get an idea of who’s there and what we talk about, check out these introductions and comments by some of the writers.

It’s not easy to find resources on the Web that deal specifically with travel memoir. Here are a few blog posts that might help you:

Interviews with authors of travel memoirs:

4 Responses

  1. Paul Theroux is, I think, at the top of the genre…well, Pico Iyer is pretty damn too, then there’s…

  2. Hi,

    I’ve written a book with a collection of some of my adventurous memories from my travel diaries, photos etc in chronological order. One day my ambitious plan is to creatively write and massage these memoirs into a book or blog called; ‘Davis’ Adventurous Memoirs – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

    I’d like to forward these memoirs so you can have a read to your humour, amusement, astonishment & sometimes horror.


    Jeff Davis

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