Traveler’s delight: video of Timbuktu, Senegal and more

I’m finally getting around to uploading videos from my backpacking trip onto YouTube; I didn’t have a fast-enough Internet connection to do this while I was in Africa.

My favorite: getting caught in a sandstorm in Timbuktu. Turn on your sound!

You can browse the rest of my videos, too: hear a mosque’s call to prayer in Senegal, watch the reaction of kids in a Senegalese village when rain falls for the first time that season, feel the pulse of an outdoor market in Ghana, or ride on the back of a motorcycle toward a Cameroonian village.

None of this stuff is edited; it’s all raw video. In some cases I think that’s the coolest stuff. I’ll be adding more over the next few days.

Does this inspire you to feed your wanderlust?

6 Responses

  1. Have you read the book Mali Blues by Lieve Joris. She is Dutch and the book is translated into English. I’ve been to Senegal but never into Mali. Her book made me want to go.

  2. Oh man, YES! We’re sitting in Arizona for a full year. I’m mostly happy about that, but definitely feeling the pangs of hitch itch!

  3. wow! that is LOUD! so great that you are posting these 🙂

  4. That sandstorm is UNBELIEVABLE!

    The rainstorm one made me teary. Thanks for sharing – this stuff is fantastic.

  5. Oh my God! Now I’m not sure I want to go to Africa at all (only kidding). How are you doing with your query process?

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